Wedding Zone
Wedding Planning Resources in the Wedding Zone
Use our nationwide wedding planning directory to help find everything you need to make your wedding ceremony and reception a memorable event! We offer thousands of wedding and party planning tips, ideas, wedding guides, vendor listings and more. Are you a wedding vendor?
Welcome to the Wedding Zone ... an online wedding planning magazine that offers consumers across the US easy access to professional businesses and services for weddings and all special occasions.
Providing wedding and entertainment information to millions of visitors on the web since 1997!
We've worked with hundreds of wedding, special event and media leaders...
If you are a wedding business that offers any type of wedding or party related products or services, you can benefit by adding your listing to the Wedding Zone directory by exposing yourself to thousands of visitors every month! For listing information and options, please CLICK HERE.
If you are a wedding consumer looking for wedding or party services, we offer a wide variety of search options, helpful wedding tips, advice, information and links to make your visit more productive and enjoyable. Search.
MAY 2007 UPDATE: We are currently working on our 10 Year Anniversary upgrade. Keep an eye out for several new and improved features. Read More.
Joe Tortorello, Site Administrator, says "Our goal is to provide visitors with the services and quality they need to make their wedding or next party an unforgettable affair". Mr. Tortorello has over 20 years experience in the wedding & entertainment industries. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a certificate at NYU for Broadcasting & Business Entertainment.
We hope you enjoy our popular wedding planning directory!
